For communities in Afghanistan, the climate crisis isn’t a distant threat - it’s already here.

In recent years, the catastrophic impacts that climate change is having on food security, livelihoods, and safety in Afghanistan - from multi-year droughts that decimate yields, to flash floods which wash away homes, crops and livestock - has been exacerbating an already dire humanitarian emergency which unfurled following the Taliban takeover in 2021. This means that a huge number of families, who have been resiliently living off of the land for generations, are now finding themselves in really difficult positions. 

If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.


To tackle the wide-ranging impacts of this climate emergency, Afghanaid and its partners in the Afghanistan Resilience Consortium have been investing in local knowledge to build resilience in Afghanistan for more than a decade. Our new film series, Be The Lightthrough episodically exploring 4 elements - water, fire, earth and people - takes a deep dive into how these inclusive initiatives have driven community-led climate action, and how you can join Afghan change-makers as a beacon of hope for a brighter future. Watch the full film here:

The premiere event

On Monday 24th June, we hosted a premiere at Screen On The Green in Islington to launch the series, and we were thrilled that so many of you were able to join us and give us your reviews!

"I really enjoyed the film. I think it was a really powerful reminder of just how vulnerable a country like Afghanistan is to climate change for lots of reasons - conflict and deforestation being a huge one - and it goes to show the impact that all of that can have. I think what Afghanaid does best is tie all these things together, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in these communities, supporting women, supporting children, promoting education and new farming practices, to make Afghanistan hopefully thrive despite all of the challenges that it faces." - Levison Wood, explorer, writer and photographer

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Support this vital climate resilience work today

For over a decade, Afghanaid has been pioneering climate-adaptation programming in Afghanistan, working alongside rural farming communities to strengthen their resilience in the face of rising temperatures and extreme weather events. Help us continue this vital community-led work by making a donation today:

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